So... Why the Name Change?
I don’t think I ever fully explained anywhere (except on one night on Instagram Stories) why I went from DonnaDaily to DonnaDetox. Even to my loved ones, they were shocked at the sudden change. I had invested years and years into building this digital persona and content and to shift it completely seemed a bit random and startling.
For me, I have no other explanation but to say that it was just intrinsic - a calling of some sort. In the upcoming posts, I will be sharing topics and thoughts on subjects I used to feel extremely insecure and uncomfortable about - which led me to the digital name change.
I had dedicated the majority of my twenties in various industries that shaped me and my ego — I never sat with my soul nor did I ever really get a moment to truly know who I was. I was so busy helping others, working countless hours at my day jobs, studying for various courses, juggling toxic relationships (oh yeah, this is a juicy and fun topic) , attending events left and right… how could I? I made tons and tons of excuses for myself over the years and abandoned the one thing that would keep me going. That’s me.
So, one day, after an extremely scary health crisis, I just cold turkey decided to shift my entire energy and well-being to myself. It wasn’t easy and it certainly took a lot of strategic thinking to do this, but I knew that in the long run, I would be happier.
When I think of the name DonnaDaily, I think of someone who was always putting on a brave face, ready to conquer each day with diligence and power, and someone who put others before herself. (I know it’s weird to be talking about this name as if it’s a different person, but hang in there with me lol). I just couldn’t identify with it anymore. I wanted to start brand new. I wanted a new start in life . I wanted the opportunity to be authentic and challenge myself mentally, physically, and spiritually. Thus, detoxing the bad crap and feelings from my life had to go. And here we are.
I stopped blogging for 7 years, and now I’m back on the horse. I feel more excited than ever to write and share content that has helped me tremendously and I hope it will help you too. Isn’t it ironic how it’s so much easier to help other people but when it comes to investing in yourself, it’s the hardest thing? At least for me it was.
Love, light, and happiness
DD ✨💕